Health And Fitness


Severe winter weather continues to wreak havoc across multiple regions in the United States resulting in numerous blood drive cancellations and significantly decreased blood product collections. LifeServe Blood Center, along with the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) Interorganizational Task Force on Domestic Disasters and Acts of Terrorism, is urging eligible blood donors in parts of the United States unaffected by the storm to schedule blood donation appointments as soon as possible and to keep existing appointments.

COVID-19 cases in Iowa long-term care facilities on the decline as spread slows

"Very promising signs," says Iowa Health Care Association President & CEOFor those who have been longing to visit a loved one in a nursing home, there is encouraging news this week as new data shows that county positivity rates and COVID-19 cases in long-term care facilities are on the decline. This is important because nursing home visitation rules are based on county COVID-19 positivity rates.

February 2021 WOW newsletter

Attached you will find your edition of the February 2021 Words on Wellness newsletter.This edition features:·     Three Reasons to Have Soup for Supper!·     Recipe for Pasta Fagioli Soup·     Storing Soup Safely·     Apps to Get You Back on Your

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period Continues Through March 31

Iowans currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan have options to switch through the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment period that continues through March 31.“During this open enrollment period Iowans can switch to a different Medicare Advantage Plan with or without drug coverage.  They can even go back to Original Medicare and, if needed, join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan,” Kristin Griffith, Director of the Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) said.

Benton County Public Health COVID19 Vaccine Update

Benton County is currently in vaccine Phase 1A and 1B.Eligible persons are healthcare workers, 65 and older, first responders, PK-12 staff, early childhood education, and childcare workers.If you are 65 and older, you will be able to receive the vaccine through your Benton County Medical Provider or Pharmacy. Please contact your provider or pharmacy to notify them of your interest in getting the vaccine.

Learn how to manage the day-to-day stresses of rural life

Rural residents and those who associate with them are encouraged to partake in a webinar series called “Rural Resiliency: Caring for You and Yours,” 7:30-8:45 p.m. on four consecutive Tuesday evenings, March 2, 9, 16 and 23.The series is sponsored by the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach dairy team, university extensions in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin; and in cooperation with the Dioceses of Madison, Rockford, St.

Blood Drive helps many through donations

Thank you for being a contributor to your community!Whether you had a successful donation or not, your efforts to stop and donate blood did not go unnoticed. Your blood went through 15 different tests today, and tomorrow it will be on its way to hospital patients in need.Virginia Gay Hospital and Vinton21 Registered Donors19 Units collectedUp to 57 lives saved or sustained 5 First Time DonorsThank you to the 5 first time donors who stepped up to try blood donation! You will get a donor ID card and free gift in the mail in 4 – 6 weeks.

Information concerning COVID Vaccine Distribution

The information shown will be the guidelines for COVID Vaccinations in the area. Click to view

COVID Hotline Available

In response to questions that we have received regarding the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine and access for the general public, we have some [upd]d information.While CDC makes recommendations for who should be offered COVID-19 vaccine first, each state has its own plan for deciding who will be vaccinated first.Benton County and much of the state is complying with the VACCINE SHORTAGE ORDER issued by IDPH effective 12/14/20 that states all Iowa licensed health care providers, hospital, clinics, pharmacies, local boards of health and public agencies.

Red Cross Blood Drive to be held at the Vinton Skate Center January 14

The Vinton Community RED CROSS blood drive will be held on Thursday, January 14, at the Vinton Skate Center from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. To make an appointment, you can go online at or call Kristie at (319) 472-4292.  Appointments are preferred.  All blood donations will be screened for Covid antibodies.  Masks are required and safety precautions will be practiced.
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